About Israel and Netafim

About Israel and Netafim

Start-up country – Issue 1

“Offering” the Israeli economy

Israel often appears in world news reports with bombings, armed conflicts, conflicts with Arab countries … But few people know small Israel, with only 8 million people, whose economic growth rate has been higher than the average for the group of continuously developed countries for many years since 1995. Why? It all starts with people. Tuoi Tre would like to quote a best-selling book, National Startup (World Publishing House and Alpha Books Company).

TT – No wonder people in many parts of the world still think Israel must be as big and populous as China, given the number of Israeli tourists visiting their country. Military historian Edward Luttwak estimates that by the age of 35, many Israelis have traveled in 10 countries.

Outside magazine (USA) writes: “The Israelis have absorbed the spirit of global travel more strongly than any other country, that is: Go far, stay long and look closely “.

See next: tuoitre.vn/tin/chinh-tri-xa-hoi/phong-su-ky-su/20131028/chao-ban-nen-kinh-te-israel/576824.html.

Israeli smile – Photo: vosizneias